Friday, October 18, 2013

Food for intense ashtanga practice

Minerals are so important and I don’t believe we can get enough in our food especially if we sweat. During the most intense years of my ashtanga practice I lost 5 to 10 pounds per session and that was six days a week as you know. By the time I was in my 40s, my bones had degenerated and all my teeth could be wiggled. Teeth are like the canary in the mine, the show a lot about the health of your bones and connective tissue. I had pariadontal disease which is just unhealthy connective tissue (gums) not adhering to denser connective tissue (bones). I smoked and that didn’t help (let’s not get into any judgment here, just telling it like it was) because smoking uses up a lot of vitamin C. If you remember, Vitamin C deficiency leads to scurvy and the first sign of scurvy to the sailors of old was bleeding gums. I fixed this within 6 months with minerals from, fulvic acid, marine liquid ionic trace minerals (high in chloride and other minerals that are depleted with sweating), minerals hydrosols, colloidal minerals ( these type of manmade minerals need to be very small, a lot of colloidal minerals are to large, molecularly speaking and can get into your cells but not out, Hemachromatosis (iron toxicity), argyria (silver toxicity), etc.; so no your source and the little colloidal machines with the two silver probes and the battery that you place in water are only good for making silver for external use.
I have been ‘almost’ completely vegetarian since 17 yo but not vegan so some of my suggestions will need to be veaganized for the vegans. I like lots of omega 3s for their anti inflammatory effect on the connective tissue which get a beating with intense ashtanga practice. Vegans can get it from hemp, flax, sachi ichi, chia, algae, etc. but this form needs to be converted to EPA and DHA to be utilize and some folks don’t have enough of the enzyme that does this job, especially as we age or have harmed our digestive system.
There is so much more but this is a good start for a blog on nutrition. Please use this as the area to continue this discussion.
HCL is very important especially for older people to supplement as it will insure proper digestion of the food and better bioavailability of the nutrition in that food. Quantum Labs make the bet that I am aware of. Bitters work well and Quantum Labs make an HCL activator as well.
Never hydrate with plain water after an intense session that leaves you dehydrated, at least put some lemon juice in the water. The is where coconut water is so great. Chlorophyll, coconut water and lemon or lime is a fantastic mineral drink. Add some drops of fulvic acid (the colostrums of mother earth)  and liquid ionic trace minerals to this drink and you have an amazing tonic that will restore your minerals and cleanse the body.
Carbohydrates are not all bad some folks do well with yams, potatoes, sweet potatoes and grains especially if they are sprouted, same with beans. If you always get gas with beans, try sprouting them before you cook them. I think that too much fruit is a bigger problem but I eat what is on my farm and it seems to work well as long as I am in gratitude, just not big bowls of fruit salad with pasteurized yogurt and granola that is not good food.


  1. Hi Anthony, like i've said before is a honor that you share
    knowledge thank you :)
    about the green drink, here in Spain we have some typical that i like a lot to take. "Gaspacho", do you know? Have tomatoes, peppers, cucumbers, onions, garlic, 3 tablespoons olive oil, vinegar, is useful?
    All your advice are great, this really help me a lot, thanks :)

    1. Yes, I make salsas and pesto and tend to use cilantro a lot for it's heavy metal detoxification properties. Try to find raw vinegar, distilled viegar is not so good. All the best.

  2. I forgot to mention how important sulfur foods are for collagen which is part of the makeup of connective tissue.

  3. One more thing, the most important. Pray over your food with palms (sub chakras) facing the food and say your most inspired prayer or mantra. My son would do it slightly different. He would bring his hands together in prayer and ask God to bless his food with purity and nutrition.
